Thomas Gilbert

Sr. Executive Chef, Chartwells Higher Education

He creates a diverse tapestry of culinary offerings.

People are Priority

Chef Tom Gilbert does an amazing job building teams on campus that perform at a high level.  His team of well-trained executive chefs and sous chefs support a dynamic and complex dining program to satisfy demanding expectations.  Both his train-the-trainer approach and the-right-people-in-the-right-role philosophy create a tight-knit, cohesive group well positioned for advancement.

A Champion of Community

All retail spaces at UChicago are now run by local community partners, some with Michelin Star status, creating a diverse tapestry of culinary offerings that underscore the Chartwells Higher Education commitment to diversity, profitability and community building.  Chef Tom works closely with on-site managers in sustainability and dietetics to execute engaging teaching kitchens, vibrant pop ups and daily touches students love! 

A Lifetime of Learning

To meet high expectations and parameters for the dining program Chef Tom developed a strong working relationship with his client.  He constantly learns, adjusts and pivots to manage such a complex and varied piece of business.  While still offering one of the most robust programs in all of Chartwells Higher Education, his team focused on a list of opportunities to make tremendous financial strides.


